Ways to Give

Charitable giving is fundamental to HBRI’s ability to allow scientists to focus on what they do best: discovery. Since HBRI’s inception the generosity of those who believe in the Institute have supported HBRI’s important research.

While most of HBRI’s funding comes from competitive government grants, there are gaps in funding and HBRI relies upon philanthropy from individuals, foundations, and corporations to bridge the gap.

The Human BioMolecular Research Institute is a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit research institute and accepts gifts and donations through the “HBRI Fund” to further its mission to do basic research for the public good. Gifts and donations to the HBRI Fund are tax-deductible to the extent that the law provides. The HBRI Fund is held at the San Diego Foundation. The San Diego Foundation can offer assistance in transferring your gifts to HBRI.

Every Gift is Important


You can make a cash donation by check or credit card. To use your credit card now, simply click here. You will receive a receipt for your tax-deductible donation.

Outright Gifts
While gifts of cash and securities are most welcome, giving appreciated stock results in greater benefit for you. You not only receive an income tax charitable deduction, there is also a bypass of the capital gains taxes.

Gifts In A Retirement Plan
The tax consequences of transferring any assets in retirement plans to anyone but your spouse can be extremely severe. If you make HBRI the successor beneficiary of your spouse in the plan, HBRI will receive the full value of the remaining assets. The size of your estate is decreased and your family receives a larger legacy.

Gifts At No Current Cost
You may make some gifts without experiencing any change in your lifestyle. For example, you can make HBRI a beneficiary in your will, retirement plan or living Trust.

Gifts That Transfer Wealth
You may make a gift and pass assets to your family with significantly decreased estate and gift taxes by using a Charitable Lead Trust. Assets are transferred to a trust that pays income to HBRI for a term of years. The assets are then transferred to you or to your family.

Gifts In Your Will
You can name HBRI in your will, making HBRI a direct or contingent beneficiary of a specific sum, a percentage of the estate or the residue of the estate. If you have an existing will, you need not create a new one. Have your attorney add a codicil including HBRI.

Gifts That Return Income
You may make a gift, receive a tax deduction, a bypass of capital gains, estate tax benefits and an income with a gift to a Charitable Remainder Unitrust, Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust, Pooled Income Fund or Charitable Gift Annuity. The income may be for your lifetime, yours and your spouse, or someone you designate. The income may also be for a term of years (20 maximum).

Gifts of Your Home
You may make a gift of your home, receive a tax deduction and continue to live in your home with a Life Estate Reserved. You deed your home to HBRI with an agreement that you continue to live in your home. You maintain your residence, pay property taxes, etc. We do not assume total ownership of the property until after your lifetime.

For more information on how you can give or to learn more about the different types of gifts that you can make, contact Rebekah Handley at: RHandley@hbri.org

Contact Us

The HBRI Fund at the San Diego Foundation
c/o The Human BioMolecular Research Institute
5310 Eastgate Mall
San Diego, CA 92121
Tel: (858) 458-9305
Fax: (858) 458-9311
Email: RHandley@HBRI.org

Office hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm., Monday-Friday

The Human BioMolecular Research Institute’s 501(c)3 tax identification number is: 91-1875177