Research & Technology

The Human BioMolecular Research Institute (HBRI) utilizes a comprehensive multi-disciplinary approach to understand the molecular basis for human diseases. The approach employs modern technology in bioanalytical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry and genomics.

Gene mapping studies have provided insight into candidate genes involved in the molecular basis for human diseases. HBRI uses high-throughput DNA sequencing, RNA sequencing, and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis to identify variation in genes linked to human diseases or abnormal metabolism associated with diseases.

HBRI is also using modern medicinal chemistry and combinatorial chemistry to chemically synthesize small and large molecules that will interfere with a molecular target identified in the genomics studies described above to ameliorate the disease condition. In parallel, HBRI employs bioanalytical methods including HPLC, GC, LCMS and characterization strategies using high field NMR, and MS to develop appropriate diagnostic procedures for quantifying small molecules and validating biochemical assays.

HBRI utilizes modern molecular and cell biology in functional studies for mechanistic and functional roles of the genes identified as described above. Through this process of biochemical evaluation, substantial progress in the elaboration and development of strategies of new investigational entities and drug candidates has emerged.