You Can Make a Difference
Your gift to HBRI can be used to benefit many areas of research. Because our scientists work in close collaboration, your contribution gets multiplied many times. It may benefit not just research of one disease, for example, but the understanding of cellular processes that play a role in numerous devastating human diseases. Or, your donation may move promising early-stage research to a point where it attracts grant funding.
You may want to designate your gift to fighting a specific illness that has impacted your life in some way. We are grateful for contributions to specific disease research area.
Your Gift at Work
Your gift, no matter how big or small, gives us the flexibility to respond quickly to HBRI’s greatest needs. Your gift helps support scientists, keeps research projects on track and buys state-of-the-art equipment. Previously, your donations helped to:
Secure matching funds for big investments – To accelerate a promising new approach to treat human cancer, funds were required to support the work. When a private foundation put up two thirds of the costs, unrestricted funds from HBRI made up the difference.
Bridge NIH funding gaps – Sometimes grant funding from one source runs out before the next one begins. Annual fund gifts helped sustain the momentum in multiple labs.
Mentor promising graduate students and support outstanding postdoctoral fellows or summer high school interns – Postdocs and graduate students and summer high school interns eventually are trained and enter the scientific workforce, bringing highly specialized training, enthusiasm, and fresh eyes. They conduct hands-on lab work that teach them how to do research. Unrestricted gifts help pay salaries and fellowships and support career-building activities for these future scientific leaders.
Reach out to the community – Your gifts supported a broad program of activities aimed at bringing the excitement of science and scientific discovery to the San Diego community. These activities included efforts in middle school and high school education, with an overall goal of heightening student and teacher enthusiasm for the biological and chemical sciences and current research approaches.
A Legacy to Honor a Loved One and Forward Research
By making a memorial or tribute gift to HBRI, you honor the legacy of someone special in addition to advancing medical research. At HBRI, we are committed to determining the causes of disease and discovering innovative and reliable treatments. Our internationally acclaimed scientists are collaborating across fields to pioneer medical research, creating candidate medications to ultimately improve the quality of life for millions of people.
If you are interested in establishing a fund to honor the memory of a loved one, please contact:
Michael Sherman, HBRI, at (858) 458-9305 or
HBRI researchers are trying to change the world. HBRI investigations and medications for cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, bone diseases and many other conditions are changing the way these diseases are viewed. The discovery of drug candidates will lead to new treatments and new hope for millions around the world.
But HBRI needs your help.
Although HBRI has been successful at securing funding from the National Institutes of Health, there is much more we could do. Your support will help HBRI pursue other rewarding research projects and help translate basic research findings into new treatments.
Click here to find other ways to donate.
You can be a part of the work our researchers are doing to revolutionize human health. By making a tax-deductible gift, you can make a difference in the lives of people affected by disease. Thank you!